

时间:2024-03-08 19:20:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#少儿英语# 导语】以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的少儿英语口语对练习材料,希望对大家学习英语有帮助!


Heber 到Matt 家做客 Heber visits Matt

  Matt:Hello, Heber. Welcome.(你好,Heber,欢迎你。)


  Matt:Take a seat, please. Mum, dad, this is our new neighbor, Heber.(请坐。妈妈,爸爸,这是我们的新邻居 Heber.)

  Mum and dad: Hello, Heber. Welcome to our home.(你好,Heber. 欢迎你。)

  Heber:Thank you.(谢谢。)

  Matt:Would you like some drink?(想喝点什么?)

  Heber:I'd like some juice. Thanks. Matt, where is Amy?(来点果汁吧。谢谢。 Amy 呢?)

  Matt:She is in the garden. Let's go for her.(她在花园里。 我们去找她把!)



早餐 Have breakfast

  Mum: Matt, Amy, breakfast is ready.

  (Matt, Amy, 早餐准备好了。)

  Matt: OK! Oh, Amy, hurry up!


  Amy: I'm here. Mummy, what do we have this morning?


  Mum: We have bread, ham, banana, milk, orange juice(桔汁) and cookie. What

  would you like?


  Amy: Very nice. I like everything.


  Matt: Where is my dad?


  Dad: I'm coming. Good morning, everyone.



新朋友 New friend

  隔壁搬来一家人,也有一个小男孩。Matt 和Amy正打算去认识一下他。

  Amy: Matt, look, that boy is our new neighbor. Can we play with him?(Matt, 快看,那个男孩是我们的新邻居。我们能和他一块玩儿吗?)

  Matt: Let's go and talk to him. Hello, I'm Matt. This is my sister Amy. May I have your name?(走,我们去和他谈谈。你好,我叫Matt,这是我妹妹Amy.能告诉我你的名字吗?)

  Heber: My name is Heber.(我叫Heber.)

  Amy: Hello, Heber. Nice to meet you. How old are you?(你好,Heber, 很高兴认识你,你多大了?)

  Heber: I'm ten.(我十岁。)

  Matt: We are at the same age.(我们俩一般大。)

  Amy: Would you like to play with us?(你愿意和我们一起玩儿吗?)

  Heber: Sure.(当然愿意)

